These posts must either directly link to the artist/content creator's source, or include the source social media link in a comment made immediately after posting.
When posting art or memes/videos from content creators, the artist or content creator must be named in the title, and self-created art must be marked with in the title. Low-effort discussion posts are clickbait such as "I hope x is added to the game", bp achievement, and hate mail/ragequit screenshots, etc. Low-effort memes do not contain DBFZ game assets, Dragon Ball assets, or FGC content 6b. The following are prohibited: NSFW, Low-effort memes and discussion, Politics, Buying/Selling, and Piracy.Ħa. Only one post is needed per trailer and gameplay clip.
Posts must be relevant to Dragon Ball FighterZ.
Self-promotion cannot be defamatory in nature, for monetary gain, spammed or obvious clickbait. R/DragonBallFighterZ is the subreddit for a fighting game developed by Arc System Works, Dragon Ball FighterZ! UPSTATE UPROAR 2022 Related Links Become a Moderator within the Sub! Arc System Works Official Website Bandai Namco Official Website Bandai Namco US Twitter Beginners Corner General Information and FAQ Want a Rank Flair? Ask Here! Local Scenes Upcoming Tournaments START TOURNAMENT LISTĭBFZ World Tour END TOURNAMENT LIST Top FighterZ Streams START STREAM LIST
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